The Management of DUNAS RESORTS S.L., acquires the firm commitment to satisfy the wishes of its guests, making them feel at home, while taking care of the available natural resources and minimizing the environmental impact generated by accommodation, catering and event organization services.
This is why DUNAS RESORTS S.L. implemented in 2017 an Integrated System of Environmental and Quality Management, under the international standard ISO 14001 in its Dunas Suites and Dunas Maspalomas establishments, and that, is working progressively in all its hotels, on the implementation of the TUI Travelife Gold Sustainability seal, which leads it to a periodical review of the activities, products and services that may affect the Environment, the performance with its employees and with the community in which operates, as well as the satisfaction of its customers.
Environmental Requirements:
The environmental management principles of DUNAS RESORTS S.L., certified company in two of its hotels with ISO 14.001, also applies it to its suppliers, who must implement an environmental policy to ensure that all its operations and processes comply with the relevant international standards, legislation and conventions. Suppliers must also commit to identifying and documenting significant environmental aspects of the manufacture or supply of materials, components and services they provide to DUNAS RESORTS S.L., and to implement basic elements for the continuous improvement of environmental performance. DUNAS RESORTS S.L.'s favours suppliers who have implemented ISO 14001 or equivalent environmental management systems.
Social Responsibility Requirements:
The principles of social responsibility management of DUNAS RESORTS S.L., based on the TUI Travelife Gold seal, also apply to its suppliers, who must also ensure that all their operations and processes comply with the applicable standards, relevant legislation and international conventions. Suppliers must support and respect the protection of human rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, respect the right to form and join trade unions and ensure equal opportunities. Suppliers must also comply with the applicable laws and industry standards for working hours and offer adequate wages to their employees. They should not employ any children or support child labour, use forced labour or harassment, or disciplinary or discriminatory practices. Suppliers must have adequate procedures to evaluate and select sub-suppliers based on their ability to comply with these principles and to maintain reasonable evidence that they will continue to comply with these principles.
Health and Safety Management:
DUNAS RESORTS S.L.´s principles of occupational health and safety management also apply to its suppliers. Suppliers must provide and ensure a safe and healthy work environment. They must also implement a health and safety policy and ensure that all operations, and processes comply with relevant international standards, legislation and conventions. Suppliers should also be committed to identifying and documenting the significant health and safety risks of their manufacturing processes or supplying the materials, components and services they provide to DUNAS RESORTS S.L. and implement basic elements for the continuous performance improvement in the field of occupational health and safety. DUNAS RESORTS S.L. favours suppliers who have implemented the OHSAS 18001 standards or equivalent systems for occupational health and safety management.