StartInformationCorporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

The management of HOTELES DUNAS is firmly committed to meeting the demands of its guests by making them feel at home while not forgetting to safeguard the natural resources at its disposal and to minimize the environmental impact caused by its operations of accommodation, restaurant catering and event management.

This is why HOTELES DUNAS operates according to an Integrated Environmental and Quality Assurance System, periodically reviewing all activities, products and services that could affect the environment or the satisfaction of our guests.

Travelife: sustainability policies and report 

At Dunas Hotels & Resorts, we are deeply committed to sustainability, a core value of our business philosophy. As part of this commitment, we participate in the Travelife programme, a renowned international certification that promotes environmental and social responsibility within the tourism sector.

Travelife evaluates and certifies sustainable practices in tourist accommodations across areas such as efficient management of natural resources, waste reduction, responsible use of water and energy, and the preservation of the natural environment. It also encourages support for local communities through initiatives that respect cultural heritage and promote socioeconomic development.

For Dunas Hotels & Resorts, this certification is not only recognition of our efforts but also a continued commitment to sustainable tourism. We implement policies to minimise the environmental impact of our operations, ensure safe environments for our team members, and support projects that benefit society and the environment in our destinations.

Travelife Certificates: Don Gregory - Maspalomas Resort - Mirador Maspalomas

The basic principles of HOTELES DUNAS code of conduct are:

DUNAS RESORTS S.L., recognizes its responsibility with the community in which carries out its activity and undertakes the following:

  • To respect, support and promote the culture, the norms and the conservation of the local environment.
  • To maintain a permanent dialogue with the local community and social agents in order to know their needs and contribute to their progress through responsible behaviour.
  • To prioritize the acquisition of local products to reinforce the economic and social development of the community, provided that quality, price and health and safety standards are guaranteed.
  • To prioritize the hiring of local staff in order to foster the development of the society where the company is and the enrichment of the cultural diversity of our work teams.

To establish a strategy of collaboration with social entities in the following lines of action:

  • Community support initiatives.
  • Biodiversity projects.
  • Child health and wellness programs.
  • Donations of rooms and services.

DUNAS RESORTS S.L. management, acquires the firm commitment to satisfy its guests’ wishes, making them feel at home, while taking care of the available natural resources and minimizing the environmental impact generated by accommodation, catering and event organization services.

This is why DUNAS RESORTS S.L. implemented in 2017 a System of Environmental Management and is working on the progressive implementation of the TUI Travelife Gold Sustainability Seal, in all its hotels, which leads to a periodical review of the activities, products and services that may affect the Environment, the performance with its employees and with the community in which operates, as well as their customer’s satisfaction.

DUNAS RESORTS S.L.’s basic performance principles are:

  • TO KNOW AND SATISFY our guests, their needs, wishes and suggestions, to make them feel at home.
  • TO ASSES activities, products and services, monitoring the repercussion on the client and the environment, identifying any significant impacts.
  • TO ADOPT the necessary measures to minimize emissions, waste production and preserve natural resources, with a firm commitment to on-going improvement, incorporation of clean technologies and efficient management.
  • TO VERIFY the compliance of our Policy, Objectives and Goals and the effectiveness of the actions taken to achieve them. Improving day-to-day processes and services is a premise of DUNAS RESORTS S.L.
  • TO COMPLY with the applicable legislation, regulations and policies and with the rest of the commitments that DUNAS RESORTS S.L. acquires.
  • TO PROMOTE the sense of responsibility in relation to the environment and on-going improvement among employees, suppliers and customers, based on the development of training, communication and awareness programs. Teamwork achieves our goals.
  • TO MAKE AVAILABLE to employees and clients the necessary information to understand the impact of our activities on the environment.
  • AND for the fulfilment of these principles, the DUNAS RESORTS S.L. Management acquires the commitment of endowing all possible means within its reach.

And for the fulfillment of these principles, this Direction acquires the commitment to equip with all the possible means to its reach.

DUNAS RESORTS S.L., within its Social Responsibility Policy, is committed to preventing and speak out in light of any child abuse and exploitation.

According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, "a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier." 

Although our activity is carried out in a field where children are highly protected, at DUNAS RESORTS S.L., a company which belongs to the tourism sector, we strongly condemn all types of child abuse and exploitation, both inside and outside our organization, and we undertake to respond within our sphere of influence to all cases of abuse, whether it is proven, suspected or attempted, according to its nature.

The four main categories of child abuse that we must recognize in order to act before them are:

  • Physical abuse.
  • Sexual abuse.
  • Negligent treatment.
  • Emotional abuse

Likewise, and within this context, DUNAS RESORTS S.L. respects children's right to privacy; always complying with current legislation in this regard. The protection of the child's privacy refers to any private information about the child, such as photos, texts, films, etc.

DUNAS RESORTS S.L. is committed to providing its employees with an adequate level of safety at work, without undermining their health as a result of the performance of their daily work in the company. Likewise, it seeks to preserve facilities, materials, equipment, and tools, against possible losses and inappropriate use.

In order to implement this commitment, the necessary measures are being taken, so that the Health and Safety conditions of the employees in their jobs comply with the norms established in the legislation, as well as with the accepted standards in the tourist industry. Ensuring on-going attention in the identification and elimination of risks that may result in injuries and illness to employees, fire risk, losses and any malfunction in the facilities.

DUNAS RESORTS S.L. recognizes that the best system to support preventive effort is to conceive prevention as intrinsic and inherent in all departments and work areas of each of its hotels. For this reason, responsibilities in preventive matters will be assigned directly, on the competencies that each person has assigned in the development of their job. In this way, the aim is to achieve the full integration of the measures for the prevention of occupational risk into all the company's activities and at all hierarchical levels: from the highest levels of management to all of our employees.

All management levels of the DUNAS RESORTS S.L. company structure will ensure that Health and Safety procedures are apply in the most professional and responsible manner (planning, organising, managing and supervising), for the proper management of the preventive activities that are established. They will include prevention in all activities carried out or delegated, as well as in all the decisions that they adopt, and they will integrate them in the decisions about technical processes, work planning and the conditions of its service performance.

The company places its trust in all employees to follow and achieve all the above, for the benefit of the prevention of occupational risks, which is a need and a right of all.

DUNAS RESORTS S.L. recognizes its responsibility towards its employees and undertakes to:

  • Ensure a dignified, fair, respectful and non-discriminatory treatment towards and among its employees.
  • To act towards their employees in a way that guarantees equal opportunities.
  • To promote the personal and professional development of its employees by encouraging on-going training and skill set improvement.
  • To have an equitable remuneration and social benefits policy and in accordance with the social and normative framework.
  • To recognize the right of association and union membership, establishing a relationship of dialogue and cooperation.

The Management of DUNAS RESORTS S.L., acquires the firm commitment to satisfy the wishes of its guests, making them feel at home, while taking care of the available natural resources and minimizing the environmental impact generated by accommodation, catering and event organization services.

This is why DUNAS RESORTS S.L. implemented in 2017 an Integrated System of Environmental and Quality Management, under the international standard ISO 14001 in its Dunas Suites and Dunas Maspalomas establishments, and that, is working progressively in all its hotels, on the implementation of the TUI Travelife Gold Sustainability seal, which leads it to a periodical review of the activities, products and services that may affect the Environment, the performance with its employees and with the community in which operates, as well as the satisfaction of its customers.

Environmental Requirements:
The environmental management principles of DUNAS RESORTS S.L., certified company in two of its hotels with ISO 14.001, also applies it to its suppliers, who must implement an environmental policy to ensure that all its operations and processes comply with the relevant international standards, legislation and conventions. Suppliers must also commit to identifying and documenting significant environmental aspects of the manufacture or supply of materials, components and services they provide to DUNAS RESORTS S.L., and to implement basic elements for the continuous improvement of environmental performance. DUNAS RESORTS S.L.'s favours suppliers who have implemented ISO 14001 or equivalent environmental management systems.

Social Responsibility Requirements:
The principles of social responsibility management of DUNAS RESORTS S.L., based on the TUI Travelife Gold seal, also apply to its suppliers, who must also ensure that all their operations and processes comply with the applicable standards, relevant legislation and international conventions. Suppliers must support and respect the protection of human rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, respect the right to form and join trade unions and ensure equal opportunities. Suppliers must also comply with the applicable laws and industry standards for working hours and offer adequate wages to their employees. They should not employ any children or support child labour, use forced labour or harassment, or disciplinary or discriminatory practices. Suppliers must have adequate procedures to evaluate and select sub-suppliers based on their ability to comply with these principles and to maintain reasonable evidence that they will continue to comply with these principles.

Health and Safety Management:
DUNAS RESORTS S.L.´s principles of occupational health and safety management also apply to its suppliers. Suppliers must provide and ensure a safe and healthy work environment. They must also implement a health and safety policy and ensure that all operations, and processes comply with relevant international standards, legislation and conventions. Suppliers should also be committed to identifying and documenting the significant health and safety risks of their manufacturing processes or supplying the materials, components and services they provide to DUNAS RESORTS S.L. and implement basic elements for the continuous performance improvement in the field of occupational health and safety. DUNAS RESORTS S.L. favours suppliers who have implemented the OHSAS 18001 standards or equivalent systems for occupational health and safety management.
